1.   Also organized to accompany the exhibition were story-telling sessions for both children and adults.

2.   This volume of essays was designed to accompany an exhibition in Cologne.

3.   The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue containing two excellent essays by Rosemary Betterton and Angela McRobbie.

4.   The exhibition will be accompanied by an associated book and catalogue written by S B Kennedy of the Ulster Museum.

5.   A full slate of lectures, gallery talks and tours accompanies the exhibition.

6.   A video accompanying this exhibition shows one such table being prepared, with a hand constantly moving things around until the mise-en-scene is satisfactory.

7.   Accompanying this exhibition, the museum has organized three temporary shows.

8.   Accompanying the exhibition is a concert series of four centuries of British music performed on period and modern instruments by leading musicians.

9.   Accompanying the exhibition are color photographs by Steve McCurry depicting home and office shrines of Hindus, Sikhs and Jains in the New York region.

v. + exhibition >>共 206
organize 6.22%
open 5.38%
hold 5.02%
mount 4.31%
play 4.07%
stage 3.83%
see 3.71%
have 3.71%
visit 3.47%
plan 2.15%
accompany 1.32%
accompany + n. >>共 1271
team 3.32%
president 2.31%
story 1.48%
front 1.46%
group 1.31%
husband 1.28%
inspector 1.00%
child 0.90%
article 0.90%
father 0.90%
exhibition 0.28%
每页显示:    共 11