accompany team 8.69   Ankiel did not accompany the team.
  accompany president 6.06   Rubin accompanied the president.
  accompany story 3.88   Photos will accompany both stories.
  accompany front 3.82   A few light showers may accompany the front.
  accompany group 3.42   Mrs. Mandela did not accompany the group.
  accompany husband 3.36   Mrs. Walesa accompanied her husband this time.
  accompany inspector 2.63   Diplomats would accompany the inspectors.
  accompany article 2.37   Links to other sites would accompany each article.
  accompany child 2.37   Seven adults accompanied the children.
  accompany father 2.37   They were accompanying their fathers at the summit.
  accompany storm 2.11   Heavy rain and hail also accompanied the storm.
  accompany arrival 2.04   Showery rain will accompany the arrival of the cooler air.
  accompany convoy 2.04   Each convoy was accompanied by mobile artillery.
  accompany leader 2.04   The PLO leader was accompanied by his wife, Suha.
  accompany body 1.97   The body was accompanied by U.S. Rep. Bill Richardson.
  accompany growth 1.91   He said such growth must be accompanied by stable prices.
  accompany troop 1.91   Artillery accompanied the troops.
  accompany change 1.65   A change in life style has accompanied the change in teams.
  accompany delegation 1.65   Ten South Korean reporters accompanied the delegation.
  accompany parent 1.65   She also was to accompany her parents to Saudi Arabia.
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