1.   Not having seen the exhibition previously I can not comment on how differing gallery spaces have contributed to the overall effect.

2.   We also saw an exhibition of paintings by Sydney Lough Thompson, a New Zealand artist.

3.   We also saw an exhibition of paintings by Sydney Lough Thompson, one of my favourite NZ artists.

4.   Not having seen the exhibition previously I cannot comment on how differing gallery spaces have contributed to the overall effect.

5.   And after seeing this exhibition, it seems a fitting end.

6.   And when Mr. Wheeler saw his exhibition, he knew he had found an illustrator for Hortus.

7.   As for the people who have seen his exhibitions, Kasher said whites and blacks differed somewhat in their reactions.

8.   A Washington relative of Barbara Fultz saw an exhibition of angels in Baltimore and heard there were even better angels at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

9.   But that would be the wrong reason to see this exhibition.

10.   Cunningham, characteristically laissez-faire, has yet to see the exhibition.

v. + exhibition >>共 206
organize 6.22%
open 5.38%
hold 5.02%
mount 4.31%
play 4.07%
stage 3.83%
see 3.71%
have 3.71%
visit 3.47%
plan 2.15%
see + n. >>共 1403
sign 1.33%
reason 1.25%
man 1.18%
thing 1.14%
people 1.07%
doctor 0.95%
action 0.93%
need 0.92%
opportunity 0.89%
lot 0.87%
exhibition 0.06%
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