71.   Sprinkled throughout the scene were those who wanted a different president.

72.   The pop-culture markers sprinkled throughout are cheap highs designed to co-opt audiences into the mediocrity.

v. + throughout >>共 1244
spread 5.97%
continue 4.69%
scattered 4.32%
hear 2.27%
feel 1.70%
hold 1.65%
lead 1.51%
use 1.40%
find 1.23%
know 1.19%
sprinkle 1.00%
sprinkle + p. >>共 32
over 26.67%
throughout 18.46%
in 16.92%
around 5.64%
through 4.62%
among 3.85%
of 3.59%
into 3.33%
across 3.08%
on_top_of 2.82%
每页显示:    共 72