61.   In a memorandum to employees, the company said it was only doing its job for shareholders, gaining a reference point for the approaching talks.

62.   In fairness, the treaties are wildly complicated and laughably imprecise, using tribes and river junctions and obscure mountains as reference points.

63.   In just weeks the drug has become an integral part of our culture, a universal reference point.

64.   It gives readers a good reference point for gauging their own frustrations with traffic congestion.

65.   It might forever be a reference point in Masters history, a standard by which to judge all other lapses and collapses.

66.   It seems Christians as a whole, with ancient Rome or modern Tehran as a reference point, should appreciate the perils of mixing government and religion.

67.   It was the load of losing reference points.

68.   Moments later, in fact, in reply to a question about his personality, Sampras mentioned Bjorn Borg as a reference point.

69.   Normally, such easy reference points are not available.

70.   On this show, a social scientist, not a Hollywood celebrity, provides the central reference point.

n. + point >>共 1088
transit 6.54%
collection 4.22%
entry 3.88%
bonus 3.48%
reference 2.39%
check 1.97%
border 1.95%
weapon 1.76%
season 1.74%
transshipment 1.62%
reference + n. >>共 131
point 21.69%
material 9.57%
works 6.38%
work 4.31%
price 3.35%
tool 3.19%
librarian 3.19%
number 2.55%
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