61.   Executive compensation issues also came into play.

62.   Executives of SBC and PacTel continue to repeat it when employment issues come up.

63.   Finally came an inspection of his Mesa house, and then came the issue of carrying a firearm while off duty.

64.   Feelings of ownership are rising, and issues of control come to the fore.

65.   For many Republicans, the issues come down to moral ones, with abortion central to that debate.

66.   For many, the issue comes down to trust.

67.   For the most part, the voices in the debate over vouchers have not changed in the four legislative sessions that the issue has come up.

68.   For example, only one convertible debt issue came to market in all of August.

69.   For the first time, the Russians will be full partners when such touchy political issues as Bosnia and North Korea come up for review.

70.   Gay rights issues came up frequently during those hearings, but Ashcroft repeatedly declared that he harbored no hostility to gays and would uphold the law.

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