61.   Ukrainian authorities have shut down an opposition newspaper, a move its editor charged Wednesday was revenge for critical and anti-corruption materials he published.

62.   Walder said the Secret Service and Texas authorities shut down the site.

63.   Zambian health authorities shut down five schools in its capital, Zambia, to avert the spread of cholera, a news agency reported Sunday.

64.   In New Delhi, authorities shut down the bus terminal, the largest in northern India, and froze train services as floodwaters submerged tracks following overnight rains.

65.   Authorities shut down coastal bridges and all but emergency workers were told to get off the highways.

66.   Bahraini authorities shut Shiite mosques on Friday, the main day of prayer in the Moslem week, in an attempt to prevent any anti-government demonstrations, residents said.

67.   Authorities shut down the university and police and soldiers halted the rally shortly after it began.

68.   Authorities shut down two turbines at the Chernobyl nuclear plant following a hydrogen leak in the cooling system of one of its reactors, state safety officials said Wednesday.

69.   Bitter racial clashes caused authorities Thursday to shut down the Free State Technikon in the Orange Free State capital of Bloemfontein, Technikon spokesman Cas Vorster said.

70.   Fearing the worst, Kashmir state government authorities have shut down highways and evacuated people from low-lying areas.

n. + shut >>共 487
government 6.55%
authority 5.53%
police 4.88%
strike 3.93%
door 3.78%
official 3.13%
company 2.98%
slam 1.31%
system 1.09%
eye 1.09%
authority + v. >>共 668
say 21.31%
be 4.79%
have 2.28%
believe 1.74%
arrest 1.68%
investigate 1.60%
refuse 1.49%
try 1.30%
take 1.14%
deny 0.91%
shut 0.19%
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