1.   Also, the company shut New York Newsday and eliminated jobs and unprofitable operations in its other businesses.

2.   And companies are shutting down plants.

3.   A local utility company shut off the water supply from a water tower to stabilize the structure from heavy winds.

4.   A Microsoft spokeswoman said the company shut down the Hotmail site Monday morning, as soon as technicians confirmed the existence of the problem.

5.   In late May, the company shut down its Freeloader business unit, which made software for automatic downloads of material from the Internet.

6.   Last week, the company shut down a mill in Snowflake, blaming controversy over the old growth timber sale near Greer.

7.   Nationwide, as orders dropped, tech companies shut production lines and fired workers.

8.   One morning in November, Bodily turned on his computer to find that the company had shut down its online trading operation.

9.   Profit margins on refining have often been so narrow that companies have shut their refineries rather than pay for the improvements needed to raise efficiency and make cleaner fuels.

10.   Ripples from the distant General Motors strike in Ohio finally reached here Thursday when the company shut down its gargantuan assembly plant looming over the Hudson River.

n. + shut >>共 487
government 6.55%
authority 5.53%
police 4.88%
strike 3.93%
door 3.78%
official 3.13%
company 2.98%
slam 1.31%
system 1.09%
eye 1.09%
company + v. >>共 706
say 10.43%
be 8.93%
have 5.81%
make 2.11%
plan 1.80%
announce 1.17%
use 1.16%
offer 1.13%
sell 1.08%
try 0.97%
shut 0.03%
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