authority say 560.11   No one was reported injured, authorities said.
  authority be 125.74   There is authority on this point.
  authority have 59.84   Tax authorities have to try to stop such fiddling.
  authority believe 45.62   Authorities believe he is in Saudi Arabia.
  authority arrest 44.11   Japanese authorities arrested Hamanaka in October.
  authority investigate 42.13   Authorities were still investigating the crash.
  authority refuse 39.10   So far, the power authority has refused.
  authority try 34.10   The authorities tried to order the women home.
  authority take 29.89   The authorities had taken precautions.
  authority deny 24.03   Authorities deny it.
  authority begin 22.91   Authorities began looking at Karr and Waters.
  authority blame 21.72   Authorities blamed the FALN.
  authority find 21.40   After daybreak, authorities found it.
  authority order 21.40   Authorities have ordered his arrest.
  authority decide 20.80   Authorities decided it was no joking matter.
  authority warn 19.55   He has nothing to lose, authorities warn.
  authority plan 19.29   Authorities planned further digging.
  authority announce 19.22   Authorities announced a general alert.
  authority release 19.09   Authorities would release no names.
  authority give 18.89   Authorities have not given a motive.
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