51.   The president further admitted that opposition political parties and individuals had asked him not to step down.

52.   The president has admitted receiving political donations during his years as an opposition leader, but swears he has not touched a penny since taking office.

n. + admit >>共 864
official 14.83%
government 3.55%
company 3.35%
man 2.35%
player 1.71%
police 1.61%
leader 1.48%
authority 1.46%
president 1.33%
executive 1.10%
president + v. >>共 673
be 11.15%
say 7.53%
have 4.79%
make 2.04%
meet 1.35%
take 1.34%
want 1.26%
speak 1.06%
call 1.00%
sign 1.00%
admit 0.24%
每页显示:    共 52