51.   The forum participants will also discuss the regional situation, particularly Guatamala, and their collaboration in international bodies such as the United Nations.

n. + discuss >>共 652
official 8.58%
leader 8.31%
side 6.00%
minister 4.75%
two 4.20%
meeting 4.08%
man 2.92%
company 2.79%
group 1.87%
government 1.71%
participant 0.91%
participant + v. >>共 635
say 13.15%
be 12.31%
include 5.95%
have 3.89%
agree 2.71%
take 1.89%
receive 1.34%
discuss 1.34%
expect 1.26%
come 0.97%
每页显示:    共 51