1.   Participants come from nations as far-flung as Iceland and Japan.

2.   American academics made up the largest national contingent, but participants also came from as far away as Australia and Japan, Brazil and Venezuela.

3.   He said the site was chosen because it was centrally located and attractive enough to get participants to come.

4.   In most cases, the participants could come up with the hard-to-remember word after they had heard other words that were similar.

5.   Most participants come to the center on referral from social service workers or other caregivers, although some learn of it on their own, Brydon said.

6.   Most participants come voluntarily.

7.   Participants are coming from as far away as Texas and Ireland.

8.   Participants have come from as far away as Asia and Europe, with several father-and-son tandems included.

9.   Participants come as the guests of the chateau owners and meet wine makers and cellar masters.

10.   Participants are coming from as far away as Bhutan and South Africa.

n. + come >>共 1444
time 1.70%
announcement 1.40%
people 1.19%
move 1.18%
decision 1.11%
money 1.03%
attack 0.91%
report 0.77%
change 0.77%
call 0.64%
participant 0.04%
participant + v. >>共 635
say 13.15%
be 12.31%
include 5.95%
have 3.89%
agree 2.71%
take 1.89%
receive 1.34%
discuss 1.34%
expect 1.26%
come 0.97%
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