1.   Participants agreed to share information and resources, review regional training programmes, and cooperate wherever possible.

2.   Although the matter was not completely resolved, participants agreed to discuss other points on the agenda.

3.   A resolution of any kind could still be weeks away, most participants agree.

4.   AIDS writing is not a separate genre, most participants agreed.

5.   Conference participants agreed that parents of children in kindergarten through fourth-grade would have the most difficulty securing a waiver.

6.   Conference participants also agreed that sharp movements in exchange rates hurt business relations between the two countries.

7.   Even among students pursuing vocational or technical training, however, the participants agreed on the need for a broad liberal arts education.

8.   For example, program officials established ground rules from the start, to which the participants agreed, prohibiting them from talking to the press.

9.   If the new environment is too comfortable, they reason, participants might blindly agree with everything they see, generating false positives that could skew research results.

10.   If the numbers are close, it indicates market participants generally agree how the bond should be priced.

n. + agree >>共 541
side 9.59%
government 5.02%
leader 4.12%
official 3.69%
expert 3.40%
company 3.29%
party 2.94%
analyst 2.62%
country 2.60%
minister 1.82%
participant 0.50%
participant + v. >>共 635
say 13.15%
be 12.31%
include 5.95%
have 3.89%
agree 2.71%
take 1.89%
receive 1.34%
discuss 1.34%
expect 1.26%
come 0.97%
每页显示:    共 102