41.   Cusack said that these included the papers of former Presidents Nixon and Carter, and those of W. Averell Harriman, witnesses testified.

42.   Defense witnesses will not testify until the prosecution concludes its case.

43.   Does he want the witnesses to testify, or does he want a cover-up?

44.   Does he want the witnesses to testify or does he want a cover-up.

45.   Earlier witnesses testified he forced the garage door open and entered the home from there.

46.   Eleven witnesses testified for the prosecution Wednesday.

47.   First, by repeatedly insisting he had hit his wife only once during their marriage, he risks having several witnesses testify to the contrary.

48.   Faulkner spun around before hitting the ground and shot his attacker, who stood over Faulkner and fired the fatal shot to the head, witnesses testified.

49.   Four witnesses have testified for the government so far in the trial, which began last month in federal court in Washington, D.C.

50.   Granting immunity would allow the witnesses to testify without fear of being prosecuted for illegal behavior they may describe.

n. + testify >>共 436
witness 19.08%
expert 5.26%
official 4.61%
officer 3.56%
doctor 2.70%
woman 2.70%
agent 2.55%
psychiatrist 1.75%
victim 1.75%
president 1.45%
witness + v. >>共 206
say 59.89%
tell 5.86%
be 4.71%
report 4.23%
testify 3.46%
see 2.34%
describe 1.60%
identify 0.96%
give 0.85%
come 0.77%
每页显示:    共 379