witness testify 25.08   Texas and Florida witnesses testify.
  expert testify 6.91   Outside law enforcement experts should testify.
  official testify 6.06   The official could testify by Tuesday.
  officer testify 4.67   The officer did not testify.
  doctor testify 3.55   The doctor may testify in the trial.
  woman testify 3.55   That woman did not testify.
  agent testify 3.36   Another agent testified voluntarily.
  psychiatrist testify 2.30   But a defense psychiatrist testified that he is schizophrenic.
  victim testify 2.30   Only one alleged victim testified.
  president testify 1.91   Former president testifies on bribery.
  employee testify 1.51   Five Secret Service employees also testified.
  man testify 1.51   Each man testified, sniping insults at the other.
  detective testify 1.45   A British detective testified on their behalf at trial.
  defendant testify 1.32   Neither defendant testified.
  people testify 1.25   Several people testified during the revival meeting.
  friend testify 1.18   Another friend testified Cummings was with her that night.
  member testify 1.18   Three staff members testified against Santos at the trial.
  executive testify 1.12   No Archer Daniels executive testified during the four hours of hearings today.
  pathologist testify 1.12   A forensic pathologist testified that both wounds could have been self-inflicted.
  investigator testify 0.92   Fingerprint and hair samples connect Maturino Resendiz to the crime, investigators testified.
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