41.   What makes it worth sitting through is the chance it offers to catch up on the technical advances since the last installment.

42.   When international competitions were broadcast, he would videotape them and scrutinize the routines, noting trends and technical advances.

43.   Ads for local businesses, trailers and publicity for sound and other technical advances like THX are the moviehouse equivalent of junk mail.

44.   Technical advances like the Wavelength Division Multiplexing give FLAG thepotential to double the capacity of most segments.

45.   Most have been gradually dropped over the years following technical advances, problems, or accidents, Le Monde said.

46.   Technical advances do not automatically bring improvements.

a. + advance >>共 550
technological 10.32%
sexual 5.41%
recent 3.89%
major 3.00%
overnight 2.72%
medical 2.53%
significant 2.38%
scientific 1.89%
unwanted 1.82%
military 1.79%
technical 1.42%
technical + n. >>共 977
problem 7.30%
assistance 4.54%
support 3.86%
factor 2.12%
skill 2.08%
expertise 1.90%
reason 1.82%
issue 1.69%
expert 1.67%
detail 1.60%
advance 0.46%
每页显示:    共 46