technological advance 21.99   Another is technological advances.
  sexual advance 11.52   A pattern of unwanted sexual advances?
  recent advance 8.29   Both added to recent advances.
  major advance 6.39   This was a major advance for most people.
  overnight advance 5.79   The recovery followed an overnight advance on Wall Street.
  medical advance 5.40   Demand is created by medical advance itself.
  significant advance 5.07   We have made significant advances this year.
  scientific advance 4.02   Scientific advances may force more changes.
  unwanted advance 3.88   A pattern of unwanted sexual advances?
  important advance 3.82   Secondly, there have been important conceptual advances.
  military advance 3.82   The insurgents have made surprising military advances.
  serb advance 3.82   But the attack failed to stop the Serb advance.
  rapid advance 3.69   The other is rapid technological advance.
  russian advance 3.55   Rebels slow Russian advance.
  further advance 3.23   Q Can I get a further advance?
  big advance 3.09   Did Homer receive a big advance?
  technical advance 3.03   Technical advances do not automatically bring improvements.
  great advance 2.83   Derivatives are a great advance, they say.
  new advance 2.76   Then Raul ordered a new advance.
  latest advance 2.44   The latest advance to Web TV was shown at Comdex.
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