1.   Azerbaijani forces consolidated military advances made in June by recapturing in early July the northern part of Nagorny Karabakh and its main town of Mardakert.

2.   American military advances in the war in Afghanistan and the lack of any new, widespread terrorism also made the legislation appear less urgent.

3.   But a recent series of military advances by government forces may mean the war is nearing a decisive phase.

4.   Civilians often benefit from military advances in preventive medicine.

5.   France wants the United States to put more pressure on Kabila to halt his military advances and negotiate with Mobutu.

6.   If he stops the military advance and withdraws the troops, he will have gained neither a resolution nor the support of the Russian people.

7.   Meanwhile, whether or not there are further attacks, the allies must continue, remorselessly, with the military advance in Afghanistan.

8.   The developments were a sign that a week of dramatic military advances had turned to negotiations.

9.   The debate comes at a time when Bosnian Muslim and Bosnian Croat forces have been making military advances against the Bosnian Serbs.

10.   The insurgents have made surprising military advances.

a. + advance >>共 550
technological 10.32%
sexual 5.41%
recent 3.89%
major 3.00%
overnight 2.72%
medical 2.53%
significant 2.38%
scientific 1.89%
unwanted 1.82%
military 1.79%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
advance 0.07%
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