41.   They also say that the work of the Baptist Convention promoting the gospel is more important than the behavior of a single individual.

42.   This would be done by letting married couples file as single individuals, or as couples, depending which option did them the most good.

43.   Though Michigan has no law banning adoptions by gay couples, its statute permits only married couples and single individuals to adopt.

44.   We spend a great deal of time worrying about the damage a single wrongheaded individual can do on a whim.

45.   What he longed for, day after day, was something so simple that virtually any single individual reading this column could have provided it.

46.   What is remarkable about the movie is the quiet relentlessness of its focus on the web of complicated relationships that surround a single individual.

47.   When I look at the communities around the country that are doing a better job, it without exception has been because of the leadership of a single individual.

48.   While it is difficult for a single individual to resist such pervasive iniquity, passive acceptance is not an honorable option.

49.   He means to show that while the administration supports Yeltsin, the broader focus is on assisting reform rather than any single individual.

50.   In poll after strawpoll, Australians almost to a single individual believe everyone should beallowed to enjoy his or her cultural heritage, and to share it withothers.

a. + individual >>共 734
wealthy 10.90%
private 9.25%
single 2.67%
specific 1.87%
particular 1.60%
healthy 1.56%
infected 1.51%
different 1.42%
same 1.29%
foreign 1.20%
single + n. >>共 1203
currency 9.33%
mother 2.83%
day 1.46%
digit 1.43%
parent 1.29%
woman 1.11%
layer 1.01%
market 0.96%
shot 0.90%
run 0.90%
individual 0.27%
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