1.   But most types of children can be emotionally healthy individuals and can become wonderful parents.

2.   Fighting Organizational Behavior Patterns Strong, healthy individuals have firm convictions and beliefs.

3.   He was termed a very healthy individual.

4.   In most healthy individuals body temperature begins to rise during the last few hours of sleep just before they awaken.

5.   More undigested food molecules pass through the gut wall than in healthy individuals, making food intolerance much more likely.

6.   Periodically there are press reports of otherwise healthy individuals who need no sleep at all.

7.   The healthy individual has no compulsive morality because he has no impulses which call for moral inhibition.

8.   The heart association also suggested that healthy individuals limit eggs to four or fewer a week.

9.   When stocking a pool with fish, take care to select healthy individuals with firm, meaty bodies and erect dorsal fins.

10.   A biopsy specimen was taken under radiographic control from the jejunum of a healthy individual at the ligament of Treitz.

a. + individual >>共 734
wealthy 10.90%
private 9.25%
single 2.67%
specific 1.87%
particular 1.60%
healthy 1.56%
infected 1.51%
different 1.42%
same 1.29%
foreign 1.20%
healthy + n. >>共 1093
people 4.72%
economy 3.31%
scratch 3.28%
dose 2.04%
growth 2.04%
diet 2.01%
baby 1.62%
cell 1.53%
profit 1.41%
food 1.39%
individual 0.62%
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