wealthy individual 16.13   Hedge funds invest the money of wealthy individuals.
  private individual 13.69   Gould was an intensely private individual.
  single individual 3.95   So can a single individual.
  specific individual 2.76   Not types of trees, but specific individuals.
  particular individual 2.37   Particular individuals frequently hold both state and party offices.
  healthy individual 2.30   He was termed a very healthy individual.
  infected individual 2.24   This occurs faster in infected individuals.
  different individual 2.11   It just happens to be different individuals.
  same individual 1.91   And so many of the same individuals have been part of the success.
  foreign individual 1.78   Direct investment by foreign individuals is banned.
  japanese individual 1.45   That view is well shared by Japanese individuals.
  talented individual 1.45   These are talented individuals.
  rich individual 1.38   Or at least buyout funds for pretty rich individuals.
  responsible individual 1.25   It said the individuals responsible have been fired or have resigned.
  the individual 0.99   Hill would not identify the other individual.
  qualified individual 0.92   American officials insist that Foege is the most qualified individual for the job.
  older individual 0.86   Unlike many older individuals, Glenn says, he has never had trouble sleeping.
  disabled individual 0.79   The ADA requires increased access to public and private facilities and programs for disabled individuals.
  disturbed individual 0.79   To describe Conners as a disturbed individual is to put it ever so gently.
  isolated individual 0.79   Society does not consist of isolated individuals.
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