31.   They have approved nonbinding resolutions, such as one proclaiming that Congress will not discriminate against stay-at-home moms.

32.   This nonbinding resolution forced the administration to harden its stance toward developing countries.

33.   This week the House and the Senate overwhelmingly approved nonbinding resolutions that Lee be granted a visa.

34.   Until late Thursday, the nonbinding resolution appeared to be heading for a House vote.

35.   With little fanfare, the Senate last week passed a nonbinding resolution calling for private investment accounts to be part of any Social Security reform package.

36.   With no substantive congressional action expected this year on the status of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Senate has opted for a nonbinding resolution supporting self-determination for the island.

37.   Peterson has introduced a nonbinding resolution urging the Clinton administration to cut all aid to Russia if Pope is not released.

38.   But now Turkey is angry over a nonbinding resolution the U.S. House of Representatives is considering.

39.   By now, the EU must know that there is no point in it issuing a nonbinding resolution which Indonesia would, as a matter of certainty, reject.

40.   In a nonbinding resolution Wednesday, the European Parliament urged member nations to impose trade sanctions on Israel.

a. + resolution >>共 566
peaceful 7.63%
quick 4.49%
new 4.10%
non-binding 3.49%
similar 3.14%
council 2.98%
continuing 2.92%
final 2.44%
high 2.37%
nonbinding 2.08%
nonbinding + n. >>共 55
resolution 31.55%
agreement 10.19%
referendum 7.77%
vote 7.28%
measure 4.37%
recommendation 3.88%
arbitration 2.43%
memorandum 1.94%
shareholder 1.94%
estimate 1.46%
每页显示:    共 65