peaceful resolution 15.67   Cambodian leaders promise peaceful resolution.
  quick resolution 9.22   No quick resolution is likely.
  new resolution 8.43   A new Council resolution has not been ruled out.
  non-binding resolution 7.18   At issue will likely be a non-binding resolution.
  similar resolution 6.45   The House has passed a similar resolution.
  council resolution 6.12   Any of the five can veto council resolutions.
  continuing resolution 5.99   Clinton could veto the continuing resolution.
  final resolution 5.00   I never heard about any final resolution.
  high resolution 4.87   The high resolution is sharp and colors are accurate.
  nonbinding resolution 4.28   The nonbinding resolution is mainly symbolic.
  proposed resolution 4.08   The bishops discussed proposed resolutions.
  such resolution 4.08   Such a resolution is mainly symbolic.
  higher resolution 3.23   I will have another go, at higher resolution.
  speedy resolution 3.23   Bush urged a speedy resolution.
  congressional resolution 2.83   There were mixed feelings about a congressional resolution.
  critical resolution 2.70   The debate annually produces a series of resolutions critical of Israel.
  early resolution 2.30   Almost no one expects an early resolution.
  binding resolution 2.11   It was not a binding resolution, anyway.
  previous resolution 1.97   All previous resolutions have been rejected.
  diplomatic resolution 1.78   White House hopes are waning for a diplomatic resolution to the Iraqi crisis.
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