nonbinding resolution 4.28   The nonbinding resolution is mainly symbolic.
  nonbinding agreement 1.38   GM signed a nonbinding agreement in September to buy Daewoo.
  nonbinding referendum 1.05   Their near miss still earned them a nonbinding referendum in November.
  nonbinding vote 0.99   But the court ruled it was constitutional as a nonbinding vote.
  nonbinding measure 0.59   China was indignant, saying the nonbinding measure inappropriately mixed politics with sports.
  nonbinding recommendation 0.53   Both can issue nonbinding recommendations.
  nonbinding arbitration 0.33   It rejected the nonbinding arbitration, required in Santa Clara County, Calif.
  nonbinding memorandum 0.26   That occurred even before Peters signed the nonbinding memorandum of understanding on Thursday.
  nonbinding shareholder 0.26   In addition, the Brooke Group is seeking a nonbinding shareholder vote for an immediate spinoff.
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