31.   That peace and economic good times have affected our commitment to defend the freedoms we enjoy.

32.   The group is an independent organization working to defend press freedom worldwide.

33.   The Inter-American Press Association, which defends press freedoms in the Western Hemisphere, has accused Chavez of trying to indimitate journalists through his verbal attacks.

34.   The Miami-based Inter-American Press Association, which defends press freedoms in the Western Hemisphere, has accused Chavez of intimidating journalists through verbal attacks.

35.   The Miami-based Inter-American Press Association, which defends press freedom in the Hemisphere, has accused Chavez of trying to intimidate journalists through verbal attacks.

36.   The Paris-based independent organization represents journalists worldwide and works toward defending press freedom.

37.   The Paris-based group defends press freedom.

38.   The World Association of Newspapers defends press freedom.

39.   They understand that our commitment is not just in Afghanistan, that history has given us a unique opportunity to defend freedom.

40.   Tonight, we are a country awakened to danger and called to defend freedom.

v. + freedom >>共 405
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demand 3.29%
win 3.18%
give 2.98%
limit 2.95%
enjoy 2.81%
allow 2.72%
protect 2.32%
defend 1.40%
defend + n. >>共 1526
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action 2.77%
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