1.   Few would doubt that the rise of government has produced economic inefficiency and restricted the freedom of choice.

2.   In what ways did the Persian Empire restrict the freedom of its subjects?

3.   Legislation restricting freedom of bequest is found in a number of countries.

4.   Limited partners have very restricted freedom of financial action.

5.   New, oppressive laws were brought in to restrict the freedom of the press.

6.   Our personal freedom is being restricted more and more.

7.   Tighter security measures are restricting our freedom of movement.

8.   These clothes restrict your freedom of movement and stiffen up the whole body.

v. + freedom >>共 405
have 10.74%
restrict 5.15%
guarantee 3.38%
demand 3.29%
win 3.18%
give 2.98%
limit 2.95%
enjoy 2.81%
allow 2.72%
protect 2.32%
restrict + n. >>共 885
access 7.84%
freedom 4.20%
use 4.15%
movement 3.59%
flow 2.50%
right 2.22%
number 2.15%
sale 2.15%
import 1.94%
activity 1.94%
每页显示:    共 179