defend champion 56.75   So long, defending champion.
  defend title 36.80   I defended the title.
  defend decision 30.02   He defended his decisions.
  defend action 17.51   He defended his actions.
  defend right 15.93   We are defending our rights.
  defend currency 9.74   Hong Kong is well equipped to defend its currency, too.
  defend record 8.76   The BBC defended its record.
  defend policy 8.62   And he defended his policies.
  defend position 7.83   He defended his position.
  defend practice 7.11   Fuchs defended his practice.
  defend use 7.11   Israel defends use of torture, again.
  defend plan 7.04   Bush defended his plans.
  defend country 6.98   I defended my country.
  defend interest 5.53   Everyone is defending the interests of his own farmers...
  defend program 5.33   Rubin defended the program.
  defend law 4.41   Orban defended the law Sunday.
  defend territory 4.21   They are not just defending territory.
  defend effort 3.95   Dodd defends his efforts.
  defend president 3.82   He has always loyally defended the president.
  defend city 3.69   He was killed defending his city.
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