21.   On global warming, Bush has pledged to research technological solutions to slow greenhouse gas emissions without harm to the American economy.

22.   The report stressed that the cosmonauts fully completed the program of their spacewalk and even suggested their own technological solutions to ground experts.

a. + solution >>共 983
political 8.40%
peaceful 7.66%
diplomatic 5.11%
possible 3.79%
best 3.29%
only 3.16%
long-term 3.01%
military 2.24%
quick 1.85%
negotiated 1.85%
technological 0.30%
technological + n. >>共 598
advance 12.66%
change 7.66%
innovation 5.38%
development 3.71%
revolution 2.96%
progress 2.50%
breakthrough 2.20%
improvement 2.05%
advancement 1.78%
expertise 1.18%
solution 0.83%
每页显示:    共 22