political solution 41.15   One plausible political solution is neglect.
  peaceful solution 37.52   A peaceful solution proved to be a mirage.
  diplomatic solution 25.02   Our goal is a diplomatic solution.
  possible solution 18.56   A possible solution?
  best solution 16.13   Best solution?
  only solution 15.47   The only solution?
  long-term solution 14.75   These are long-term solutions.
  military solution 10.99   There is no military solution.
  negotiated solution 9.08   He has said he wants a negotiated solution.
  quick solution 9.08   A quick solution.
  simple solution 7.18   He has a simple solution.
  permanent solution 5.99   This is not a permanent solution.
  better solution 5.79   Are there better solutions?
  short-term solution 5.53   Short-term solutions will not work.
  easy solution 5.20   There is no easy solution.
  practical solution 5.00   Most seek practical solutions.
  proposed solution 5.00   Proposed solutions take several forms.
  perfect solution 4.34   The perfect solution.
  temporary solution 4.34   But it is a temporary solution.
  obvious solution 4.21   That is the obvious solution.
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