1.   He doubted their claim to have forsaken military solutions to the civil war.

2.   We need a political solution rather than a military solution.

3.   The government of Rabbie Namaliu, its patience with the rebels evidently exhausted, opted for an unrestrained military solution.

4.   Washington agreed that a military solution was not an attractive option, and recognized that Britain dared not risk the economic repercussions of a break with South Africa.

5.   The African National Congress accused the government of trying to find a military solution to a political problem.

6.   Among Macedonian Slavs, including those in government and in the armed forces, he admitted, there are those who still want a military solution.

7.   Arafat once more faces the desperate choice of either violently challenging his Islamist dissidents or being stunned by the military solutions Israel has in store for him.

8.   As long as diplomats are sorting out differences, nations are less likely to seek military solutions.

9.   As the tension grows and time passes, the chances of a military solution increase, analysts said.

10.   As recently as last week, Hamas and Islamic Jihad issued public statements contending that there could only be a military solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

a. + solution >>共 983
political 8.40%
peaceful 7.66%
diplomatic 5.11%
possible 3.79%
best 3.29%
only 3.16%
long-term 3.01%
military 2.24%
quick 1.85%
negotiated 1.85%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
solution 0.20%
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