21.   If they were not meeting over money matters, one senses, they women could be bonding over duplicate bridge matches or limning the novels of Alice Hoffman.

22.   In frequent asides, they imply that money matters are rendered far more complex than necessary by self-appointed elites and salesmen.

23.   Increased media interest in personal financial matters has also made money matters seem more important.

24.   Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani is famed for his fiscal rigor, for striving to impose on sprawling, messy New York a semblance of discipline about money matters.

25.   Money matters far more than it should.

26.   My husband has never wanted to involve himself in money matters and I am responsible for handling them.

27.   On crucial money matters he soon demonstrated that he did know.

28.   Plus, he has brought in financial consultants to help players with money matters, if they feel the need for it.

29.   Riordan cited the goof in stepping up pressure to make the Finance Department created by the new voter-approved City Charter responsible for virtually all money matters.

30.   Some of the issues she and her first husband faced, such as money matters and rearing the children, did not come up in her second marriage.

n. + matter >>共 495
security 13.32%
personnel 5.30%
policy 5.02%
business 2.82%
money 2.65%
trade 2.60%
intelligence 2.14%
immigration 2.14%
health 1.98%
budget 1.86%
money + n. >>共 797
manager 24.62%
list 3.58%
management 2.65%
firm 2.35%
problem 2.10%
transfer 1.85%
changer 1.56%
title 1.51%
donation 1.47%
flow 1.44%
matter 0.78%
每页显示:    共 47