1.   Overall responsibility for policy matters that affect the committees therefore lies with the Department of Trade and Industry.

2.   Third, as a policy matter, normal prudence suggests that some minimum level of cash on hand should be maintained.

3.   These are the broad policy matters with which planning authorities are concerned.

4.   At issue are confidential business communications, internal telephone numbers, social security numbers, policy matters and other potentially protected information, according to Gonzales.

5.   A lawyer with interests in policy matters ranging from the environment to computer privacy, Podesta has found himself repeatedly dragged back to a damage-control post.

6.   All are frequently consulted by the White House on policy matters, so their words carry weight.

7.   But Begala argued that White House staff members are accustomed to staying mum, not just about scandal but about policy matters.

8.   But he accused Republicans of using the subpoena powers of the committee to intimidate government bureaucrats who happen to disagree with them over policy matters in the Northern Marianas.

9.   But he said that when campaign donors came to the White House, they inevitably asked about policy matters.

10.   But Clinton said that Charles Ruff, the White House counsel, had regular contact with Reno on policy matters.

n. + matter >>共 495
security 13.32%
personnel 5.30%
policy 5.02%
business 2.82%
money 2.65%
trade 2.60%
intelligence 2.14%
immigration 2.14%
health 1.98%
budget 1.86%
policy + n. >>共 754
maker 8.32%
change 6.86%
meeting 5.05%
issue 3.80%
decision 3.67%
statement 2.88%
difference 2.11%
shift 2.03%
speech 1.73%
adviser 1.68%
matter 1.27%
每页显示:    共 88