1.   A qualified nurse is available to treat injuries and general illnesses and to advise on general health matters.

2.   Health matters will usually come first, and then talk either of family news or of their past lives.

3.   Organise open days and exhibitions to encourage the involvement of the local community with health matters.

4.   It is a health matter.

5.   And responsibilities for health matters were fragmented.

6.   And not all the worries had to do with health matters.

7.   A reliable source is likely to present various perspectives on a health matter.

8.   Agency staff say they moved on to pressing health matters.

9.   Browner has come under attack recently for her activist approach to regulation and what some believe to be an inappropriate foray into health matters.

10.   Chemotherapy patients who may be affected also may call their doctors with questions about possible follow-up treatments or related health matters.

n. + matter >>共 495
security 13.32%
personnel 5.30%
policy 5.02%
business 2.82%
money 2.65%
trade 2.60%
intelligence 2.14%
immigration 2.14%
health 1.98%
budget 1.86%
health + n. >>共 369
official 11.61%
problem 9.34%
plan 6.38%
service 3.25%
authority 2.99%
benefit 2.89%
risk 2.84%
worker 2.42%
department 2.25%
expert 2.13%
matter 0.16%
每页显示:    共 35