21.   The second objective was met by the introduction of a betterment levy on development value.

22.   Its submission asserted that its marketing objectives had been met.

23.   Monetary policy is set to meet that objective.

24.   It claims it is impossible to get maximum returns for timber when trying to meet other objectives.

25.   What happens in practice is that the overall system forecasts which timber is available for harvesting, but local managers adapt those forecasts to help meet other objectives.

26.   And individual business units within Hancock are learning to meet performance objectives rather than just expect funding.

27.   At the same time, the administration also vowed to prosecute the war against remaining Taliban holdouts until all the objectives are met.

28.   Bryant said he was told he failed to meet company objectives and failed to maintain a professional business relationship.

29.   But university administrators predicted it would be difficult to meet their objective of enrolling a diverse student body while blinding themselves to the racial background of applicants.

30.   Charter schools get public subsidies and independence from local school districts, as long as they meet academic objectives outlined in their charter, or operating permit.

v. + objective >>共 160
achieve 29.91%
meet 10.55%
have 6.41%
accomplish 4.54%
reach 3.34%
set 3.20%
pursue 2.94%
attain 2.00%
define 1.87%
share 1.47%
meet + n. >>共 615
demand 9.01%
standard 4.55%
need 3.89%
leader 3.79%
requirement 3.33%
deadline 2.47%
condition 2.41%
criterion 2.39%
official 2.31%
expectation 2.09%
objective 0.38%
每页显示:    共 79