achieve objective 14.75   He achieved both objectives.
  meet objective 5.20   Is it meeting your objectives?
  have objective 3.16   It has other objectives.
  accomplish objective 2.24   He accomplished his objective.
  reach objective 1.65   The main objective has been reached.
  set objective 1.58   And he is aleady setting new objectives.
  pursue objective 1.45   War has always been a means of pursuing national objectives.
  attain objective 0.99   Efficiency relates to the cost in resources of attaining objectives.
  define objective 0.92   Thus, an objective was defined recently.
  share objective 0.72   We fully share their objective.
  agree objective 0.59   We agree the objective of addressing that problem.
  outline objective 0.59   Rumsfeld, in a crisp, military-like briefing Sunday, outlined the objectives of the attacks.
  state objective 0.46   But first, the inventor must state an objective.
  support objective 0.46   Hewitt still supports that objective.
  serve objective 0.39   After the last agreement, a number of Arab countries and Iran accused Turkey of serving Israeli objectives.
  discuss objective 0.33   But they had hoped to meet to discuss the objectives they do share.
  establish objective 0.33   The use of needs assessment to establish measurable objectives and establish goals.
  fulfill objective 0.33   The Yankees were the most qualified to fulfill that objective, Hendricks said.
  implement objective 0.33   In the coming fiscal year, we want to implement our objectives in education and housing.
  determine objective 0.26   The customer usually determines an objective, such as improving relationships, career or personal fulfillment.
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