1.   Neil MacDonald has been out in Chile meeting the leaders of the fishing community...

2.   During their visit the Irish-American group will meet political leaders in Dublin, including Taoiseach Albert Reynolds, Foreign Affairs Minister Dick Spring.

3.   Mr Morrison and his colleagues travelled to Londonderry to meet SDLP leader John Hume this morning.

4.   It met SDLP leader John Hume in Londonderry yesterday before travelling back to Belfast for discussions with Alliance and Sinn Fein.

5.   We have obtained much support locally from other trade unionists and residents, we are attempting to meet the leaders of the Labour group.

6.   Argentine stocks rose as President Carlos Menem met leaders of his Peronist Party to rally support for government plans to increase taxes and reform labor laws.

7.   A four-man Hamas delegation that traveled to Sudan to meet leaders of the movement returned to the Gaza Strip on Wednesday and was expected to meet Arafat.

8.   Abram is looking forward to having direct contact with the people of the country, learning about their food and music, and maybe even meeting their leader.

9.   Albright will meet Middle East leaders this week in Europe, the State Department announced Tuesday evening.

10.   Albright will travel to the Middle East directly from Kiev next Monday, where Clinton will meet Ukrainian leaders before returning to Washington, the senior administration official said.

v. + leader >>共 959
meet 9.64%
arrest 3.95%
include 3.83%
accuse 3.12%
say 2.37%
kill 2.04%
have 1.32%
choose 1.28%
elect 1.27%
criticize 1.25%
meet + n. >>共 615
demand 9.01%
standard 4.55%
need 3.89%
leader 3.79%
requirement 3.33%
deadline 2.47%
condition 2.41%
criterion 2.39%
official 2.31%
expectation 2.09%
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