21.   What is needed are corporate turnarounds, where unproductive assets, activities and behaviours are uprooted and the seeds for a new corporate culture are sown.

a. + turnaround >>共 224
economic 10.04%
quick 9.52%
dramatic 9.01%
remarkable 7.66%
major 2.69%
stunning 2.28%
complete 2.28%
corporate 2.17%
sudden 2.07%
short 1.86%
corporate + n. >>共 752
profit 10.00%
earnings 6.10%
bond 3.07%
executive 2.32%
tax 2.06%
sponsor 1.97%
customer 1.62%
client 1.54%
culture 1.49%
headquarters 1.35%
turnaround 0.09%
每页显示:    共 21