economic turnaround 6.39   New leader promises economic turnaround.
  quick turnaround 6.06   Quick turnaround?
  dramatic turnaround 5.73   Looking for a dramatic turnaround.
  remarkable turnaround 4.87   It is a remarkable turnaround.
  major turnaround 1.71   This is a major turnaround.
  complete turnaround 1.45   It was a complete turnaround.
  stunning turnaround 1.45   It is a stunning political turnaround.
  corporate turnaround 1.38   In addition, Exide is in the midst of a corporate turnaround.
  sudden turnaround 1.32   There was no sudden turnaround, no revolution.
  short turnaround 1.18   Campbell hit a short turnaround.
  sharp turnaround 0.99   The performance was a sharp turnaround from weak results reported in December.
  biggest turnaround 0.86   The biggest turnaround has been his putting.
  impressive turnaround 0.79   Has orchestrated a very impressive turnaround.
  significant turnaround 0.79   Hornby, on the other hand, has achieved a significant turnaround.
  financial turnaround 0.72   Still, a financial turnaround is expected to take about two years, he said.
  fast turnaround 0.66   Fast turnaround times have made so-called teaser campaigns more popular.
  abrupt turnaround 0.59   The cutbacks are an abrupt turnaround for Kirshbaum.
  quicker turnaround 0.59   Johnson, however, needs a quicker turnaround.
  similar turnaround 0.59   Many other companies have managed similar turnarounds.
  successful turnaround 0.59   Successful turnarounds of restaurants are rare.
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