11.   When they saw the men, they immediately called for backup and the street quickly filled with emergency vehicles.

12.   By day, streets fill with people in a frenetic scramble to stock up on provisions.

13.   Cars honked and streets filled with celebrating fans.

14.   Chinese streets filled with protesters stoning U.S. diplomatic missions.

15.   Downtown streets fill with strollers every night, some heading for meals or to meet friends and others simply enjoying the freedom of walking without fear.

16.   Haligonians were genuinely excited by the summit and the streets filled with singing, dancing people every evening.

17.   Sarajevo streets have again filled with people since the bombing began.

18.   Shops and markets reopened and streets filled with people, almost all of them men, many carrying assault rifles and machine guns.

19.   Streets normally filled with twilight walkers and kids on bicycles were suddenly desolate.

20.   The quiet streets filled with hundreds of people searching through the darkness for the source of the blast.

n. + fill >>共 1457
smoke 2.14%
eye 1.97%
people 1.57%
music 1.07%
company 1.04%
crowd 0.93%
smell 0.93%
worker 0.84%
bag 0.79%
hundred 0.70%
street 0.59%
street + v. >>共 319
be 50.56%
have 2.84%
remain 2.79%
become 2.23%
say 1.39%
run 1.39%
look 1.34%
fill 1.17%
empty 1.06%
teem 0.89%
每页显示:    共 21