1.   A few subway stops in one direction, along Dundas Street, a visitor finds the heart of Chinatown, where the streets teem with street vendors and shoppers.

2.   But the adjacent residential streets teem with manicured lawns and neat rows of houses behind heavily barred windows.

3.   He and his contemporaries started a revolution in art even as streets worldwide teemed with protesters amid war and rumors of war.

4.   In the summer, the street teems with children itchy for something to do.

5.   It was just minutes after the shots were fired, but already the street was teeming with officers, and ambulances were blocking traffic.

6.   Still, the streets are hardly teeming with anxious Americans, ducking into the first pharmacy they can find.

7.   Streets teem with vendors and fashionably dressed women.

8.   Streets teem with schoolchildren, teachers, police officers and ambulance drivers.

9.   The streets teem with colorful characters that you can beat up, shoot or run over.

10.   The streets teem with cars and people.

n. + teem >>共 96
street 10.60%
area 4.64%
town 3.97%
city 3.31%
air 1.99%
island 1.99%
book 1.99%
region 1.99%
river 1.99%
sea 1.99%
street + v. >>共 319
be 50.56%
have 2.84%
remain 2.79%
become 2.23%
say 1.39%
run 1.39%
look 1.34%
fill 1.17%
empty 1.06%
teem 0.89%
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