street be 59.71   There was no one.
  street have 3.36   Street herself had a few.
  street remain 3.29   But the street remained mute.
  street become 2.63   City streets became canals for canoes.
  street run 1.65   The street runs two ways.
  street say 1.65   Street said.
  street look 1.58   The streets looked largely undamaged.
  street fill 1.38   The street quickly filled with people.
  street empty 1.25   Suddenly, the streets emptied.
  street seem 1.05   Street seemed unstoppable.
  street teem 1.05   The streets teem with cars and people.
  street desert 0.92   Shops are shuttered and the streets deserted.
  street bustle 0.79   The streets are bustling.
  street win 0.79   Street won in Cortina last year.
  street begin 0.66   Now France stops where the mean streets begin.
  street come 0.59   Street comes of a season where she placed second in the Olympic downhill.
  street lead 0.59   The street led up a long slope.
  street appear 0.53   Buenos Aires streets appeared barren until past midday.
  street name 0.53   Streets named for the trees they replaced.
  street swarm 0.53   The streets were swarming with people.
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