11.   Tight security measures for Albania-Greece soccer game.

12.   But severe security measures at crossing points between the Gaza Strip and Israel has kept the flow of goods to a trickle.

13.   The new equipment was shown to French Transport Minister Bernard Pons when he inspected the Paris transport systems security measures Thursday.

14.   The top brass of the police service were in meetings throughout Wednesday morning to plan security measures for the march, according to police spokesman Jan Combrink.

15.   It will discuss the law and order situation in the country and further security measures to be adopted during the current Muslim holy month of Moharram.

n. + measure >>共 450
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test 4.30%
scientist 2.72%
researcher 2.46%
study 2.19%
report 1.67%
survey 1.58%
government 1.49%
instrument 1.49%
sensor 1.40%
security 1.32%
security + v. >>共 459
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have 1.74%
force 1.47%
become 1.42%
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