11.   Budget cuts had to be made, but the original cast was maintained, and both executive producers are pleased with the production quality.

12.   What is frustrating, though, is its poor production quality.

13.   With this venture, both parties hope to share and transfer resources such as technology, skills and talents, which in turn will help to increase production quality.

n. + quality >>共 393
air 18.93%
water 11.82%
picture 7.15%
credit 6.21%
leadership 5.22%
product 4.07%
asset 2.93%
image 2.73%
service 2.14%
teacher 2.09%
production 0.65%
production + n. >>共 627
cost 10.53%
company 7.18%
capacity 4.18%
facility 3.94%
cut 2.97%
process 2.91%
figure 2.44%
level 2.07%
quota 1.88%
value 1.82%
quality 0.18%
每页显示:    共 13