11.   The main opponent was Justice Minister David Libai.

12.   Their opponents were teams from the Institutes of Bankers in Ireland and Scotland.

13.   Your opponent will be familiar with these going rates and it may be possible to settle costs advantageously on this basis.

14.   Opponents were concerned with the future of the League, rather than with the ideological implications of working with the Communists.

15.   Swindon now know who their opponents will be in the fifth round of the FA Cup.

16.   Devlin also reckons his opponent would be unable to withstand the rigours of life at Westminster.

17.   When the match is played their semi-final opponents will be Jim McMenemy who managed to beat David Gerrard by just eight imps.

18.   Should the Scots qualify for the quarter-finals, their most likely opponents are Western Samoa, fielding the personnel who triumphed at the Canberra event.

19.   Although conservatives hold the reins in the most powerful Southern Baptist institutions, their opponents still are not without some measure of influence.

20.   Among the GOP opponents were two New England senators, John H. Chafee of Rhode Island and William S. Cohen of Maine.

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opponent + v. >>共 759
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accuse 1.94%
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fear 1.27%
try 1.12%
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