opponent say 95.39   But opponents say Prop.
  opponent be 52.93   Always there were opponents.
  opponent argue 20.61   Opponents argued that Prop.
  opponent have 10.40   An opponent has yet to selected.
  opponent accuse 8.43   He is accused by opponents of using Jewish money.
  opponent call 6.65   Opponents call him trouble.
  opponent claim 6.45   Opponents claimed one new vote Monday.
  opponent contend 6.19   Opponents contend otherwise.
  opponent fear 5.53   We need to make our opponents fear us.
  opponent try 4.87   His opponents will try.
  opponent include 4.74   His opponents include Helmsman and Geri.
  opponent charge 4.15   Their opponents charged them with insincerity.
  opponent criticize 3.69   But her opponents criticized the move.
  opponent take 3.55   And opponents have taken notice.
  opponent make 3.09   Opponent makes clutch plays.
  opponent use 3.09   Both opponents used nearly all of their tricks.
  opponent want 3.09   Opponents wanted further study.
  opponent complain 2.96   Opponents complain Prop.
  opponent do 2.76   My opponent does not.
  opponent see 2.76   Opponents saw it that way, too.
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