11.   The judge ruled that the president gave misleading testimony in a deposition about his relationship with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

a. + testimony >>共 464
congressional 8.68%
videotaped 4.21%
false 4.07%
sworn 3.81%
expert 3.32%
earlier 2.83%
written 2.04%
previous 2.04%
conflicting 1.99%
public 1.95%
misleading 0.49%
misleading + n. >>共 181
information 12.20%
statement 11.67%
impression 3.66%
investor 3.14%
ad 2.96%
advertising 2.96%
claim 2.44%
customer 1.92%
testimony 1.92%
advertisement 1.57%
每页显示:    共 11