1.   When the witness was cross-questioned, it became clear that his earlier testimony was not entirely true.

2.   As I recall your earlier testimony during the other days, you testified that the President asked you to telephone Monica.

3.   But in August, following his grand jury appearance, Clinton acknowledged an intimate relationship with Ms. Lewinsky and said his earlier testimony might have been misleading.

4.   But in recent testimony, he contradicted his earlier testimony on that point.

5.   Coleman, whose earlier testimony will be read to the jury, had admitted that he took heroin shortly before giving grand jury testimony against Skakel.

6.   Contradicting the earlier testimony of Ballard in this trial, Dubowski said the traces of marijuana had to have come from the person who bled on the underpants.

7.   Dietz was called by prosecutors to rebut earlier testimony from defense psychiatrists, including Dr. Phillip Resnick.

8.   Det. Bob Perez spends hours on the witness stand, refuting earlier testimony that he often pressured children and adults into making false statements concerning child abuse.

9.   During earlier testimony in the hearings, other FBI agents admitted they had exchanged gifts with Bulger and Flemmi.

10.   Earlier testimony indicated that the Davidians were tipped to the raid by a mail carrier, and some ATF personnel may have known that.

a. + testimony >>共 464
congressional 8.68%
videotaped 4.21%
false 4.07%
sworn 3.81%
expert 3.32%
earlier 2.83%
written 2.04%
previous 2.04%
conflicting 1.99%
public 1.95%
earlier + n. >>共 973
report 6.23%
version 2.44%
study 2.07%
statement 1.71%
year 1.55%
gain 1.48%
decision 1.47%
loss 1.28%
attempt 1.15%
time 1.05%
testimony 0.46%
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