1.   And Gray reminded Berry of his previous testimony that King had a habit of making threats he never carried out.

2.   At one point, Bond suggested that Bentsen may have misled the committee in his previous testimony about contacts between the Treasury Department and White House officials.

3.   According to previous testimony, Kaplan paid dancers to perform sexual favors for Rodman both inside the club and at an Atlanta hotel.

4.   According to previous testimony, including a confession she gave police, Zamora used a weight to strike Jones in the head.

5.   After reading her previous testimony, however, she acknowledged that Symington told her which of several different statements he wanted her to provide.

6.   But in his recent deposition, Anderson admitted to having lied in his previous testimony.

7.   But the congressmen were relentless, and Park meekly divulged some names that had already been mentioned in previous testimony.

8.   But the front of her bra was sliced up, according to previous testimony from crime scene analysts.

9.   But several media organizations reported Monday that Ms. Lewinsky gave a slightly different account from her previous testimony in one important respect.

10.   Clark confronted Kaelin with his previous testimony, gaining his admission that his testimony Monday did not jibe with his testimony from last week.

a. + testimony >>共 464
congressional 8.68%
videotaped 4.21%
false 4.07%
sworn 3.81%
expert 3.32%
earlier 2.83%
written 2.04%
previous 2.04%
conflicting 1.99%
public 1.95%
previous + n. >>共 916
year 6.07%
government 4.20%
day 3.98%
game 2.56%
attempt 1.60%
study 1.58%
season 1.40%
week 1.29%
month 1.26%
night 1.23%
testimony 0.19%
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