11.   The number parameter can be changed at any time, with the process stopped.

12.   This appendix describes maintenance of the process log file, the mail file and the database details files, and fault reporting by a LIFESPAN Process.

13.   It is normally the responsibility of the LIFESPAN Manager to monitor the process log file, the mail file and the database details files.

14.   The process log file is produced in the Process Directory.

15.   On each activation of a particular process, the log file is extended.

16.   Therefore it is the responsibility of the LIFESPAN Manager to ensure that the log file is deleted periodically so that it remains a sensible size.

17.   The LIFESPAN Manager must stop the process if it is still active and then preserve the contents of the process log file.

18.   However, if a severe error occurs while trying to write to the log file, the calling program is terminated with an appropriate error message.

19.   LOG--FILE -- is an input parameter indicating the name of the incident log file to be created in the directory specified in LIFESPAN--USER.

n. + file >>共 399
computer 11.41%
configuration 7.19%
music 5.63%
datum 3.62%
text 3.47%
personnel 3.37%
police 3.27%
court 2.71%
command 2.31%
log 2.21%
log + n. >>共 139
book 14.64%
file 10.92%
fire 8.44%
house 3.97%
home 3.97%
export 3.72%
price 2.73%
jam 1.74%
wall 1.49%
entry 1.24%
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