11.   The incident had happened on the return journey.

12.   Its ok to take quick free kicks but surely they have to be somewhere near where the incident happened.

13.   Both incidents happened at Campbell Square police station.

14.   The incidents happened last August.

15.   The incident happened close to a railway line near Northampton between Harlestone Village and Church Brampton.

16.   The incident happened when a window was smashed at The Travellers Welcome in East Hagbourne.

17.   A witness, Andrew Swanick, told Bristol Crown Court that Kelly took an arrow-shaped knuckle duster knife to work the day before the incident happened.

18.   All five incidents happened in Cricklade.

19.   The incident happened at Silbury Boulevard in Milton Keynes.

20.   The incident happened in February last year, while Frak was working at the Ashbury Lodge Nursing Home in Marlborough Road in Swindon.

n. + happen >>共 1291
thing 31.48%
accident 8.08%
incident 5.34%
attack 1.90%
lot 1.61%
opposite 1.47%
crash 1.17%
stuff 1.15%
change 1.11%
shooting 1.11%
incident + v. >>共 470
be 23.47%
occur 14.51%
take 5.90%
happen 5.44%
come 3.87%
begin 2.06%
involve 1.64%
lead 1.57%
follow 1.51%
prompt 1.49%
每页显示:    共 397